Mature Dating
by Greg Silva · Published · Updated
the Finer Things In Life
Mature dating means recognizing goodness, taking hold of it, and enjoying it more than ever. No more fooling around. No more pearls for pigs!
Bounders and Lairs
I spent several years barhopping with cads. You may remember a TV show back in the aughts, called The Pickup Artist. I brushed shoulders with all those guys. I attended a party at the Hollywood Hills home of Neil Strauss, the guy who wrote the Bible for cads; a book I still recommend, called The Game.
[su_box title=”Why do I recommend “the Bible for cads”?” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#868ea2″ title_color=”#ffecdd” radius=”2″]
Because it’s loaded with useful information for both sexes. And it can be used for purposes both good and evil; just like the Bible itself.
I sat next to Mystery at a club on the Sunset Strip, watching him game a girl, generating in the process dozens of IOIs (that is, Indicators Of Interest); such as giggles and blushes and hairflips. You see, once you get a girl on the hook, all you gotta do is let nature take its course. She’ll come to you and do most of the work.
I spent two years organizing seminars and other appearances for Dr. Paul Dobransky; in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and London. When we weren’t teaching men and women how to walk up to each other and say hi, Dr. Paul and I and our lair of bounders (based in Chicago) barhopped four days a week.
Comedy and Sex
A few years before all this, I went through the comedy writing program at Second City. Great stuff. Year-long program. Writing a new scene every week. Producing an original show at the end of the year.
The whole thing was geared for developing TV sitcom writers. And guess what — the thing I most learned from that experience was that I didn’t want to be a TV sitcom writer. I wanted to do what I’m doing now; which is producing my own material on my own platform.
And that’s the kind of epiphany I got outta my barhopping adventures. I didn’t wanna be a lothario, either. I wanted to be a better man. The kind of man that good women were naturally attracted to.
Yeah, I learned how to pickup chicks. Finally! In my forties. Nobody taught me these things when I was younger.
Sexual power comes naturally to women. Men have to work for it. And work for it I did!
Tap Dancing For Kisses
What a colossal waste of time! Chatting up young women in bars for the privilege of making out with them in dark corners. Or getting their numbers and exchanging sassy texts for the next few hours. Or getting them into bed and finding that 99 out of 100 of them have nothing interesting to say. I wish I’d learned all this stuff in my teens and twenties, like everyone else.
Nevertheless, learn I did, finally, that there are two types of dating. There’s mature dating; which is what we do once cheap sex wears out it’s welcome. Everything else is just fooling around.
Not that there’s anything wrong with fooling around. Most of us are brought into the world through fooling around. Not the best of conditions; but a reality, nevertheless.
One Of Us
What does it mean to be the kind of man who naturally attracts good women? And what the heck is a good woman?
These are complicated questions. Because the fields of evolutionary biology and pickup artistry both tell us that the kind of man who naturally attracts women of any kind is often a menace to society. And let me tell you, gentlemen — from many years of embarrassing experiences — unless you’re born a bad boy, don’t bother pretending to be one.
Where does that leave the rest of us; those of us who value maturity? Well, if you’re truly one of us — that is, if you’re done with fooling around — then you’re in the best possible place to enjoy the finest sexual encounters life has to offer.
Mature dating means, first of all, seizing opportunities.
Je ne regrette rien?
No regrets? Bullshit! I often think of the girl in high school who backed me up against my car after I drove her home, and then went off on me at school because I stopped calling her. Or the girl in college who put my hand on her breast; and because I recoiled, she stopped returning my calls. As if that weren’t enough of a lesson, she pursued a guy I knew who, presumably, did put out. That slut! The guy, I mean.
And what was up with my German teacher at Oral Roberts University, who got me alone in her house one night? Hot 30-year-old frau. Husband conveniently away on business. I kept pretending to be more interested in my record collection; which I honestly thought was why I was there. Frau Heiss und Hornig kept sniffing around and trying to get me to join her on the sofa. For over an hour. Finally, her husband called, and I bolted.
It’s probably a good thing that I was too young and dumb to collect on those offerings. Right? No? Damn! I could’ve had all of those hot females and so many more afterward. If only I’d known 1⁄10 of what I know now.
Shoulda Woulda Coulda
I daresay there’s not a man alive who hasn’t sung a song in his heart about all the girls he never loved. Nevertheless, mature dating is not only about seizing opportunities. It’s also about seizing the right opportunities. Recognizing what’s good for us, and what isn’t.
Mature dating means recognizing goodness, taking hold of it, and enjoying it more than ever.
Which is not to say we shouldn’t take chances. But there’s chances — like handling a grenade; and then there’s chances — like handling a live grenade.
And I don’t know about you, but I’m too old for live grenades in my dating life. I crave stability and loyalty, and other good old-fashioned qualities like kindness and humility and integrity and emotional warmth and concern for the world at large and . . . well . . . maturity!
No Pearls For Pigs
That brings me to the best part of mature dating. And that is, appreciating the good things in our vicinity; rather than fretting over what could have been, or what might be coming.
When we retire from fooling around, we begin drawing from social security. And I’m not talking about money. I’m talking about wisdom, self-esteem, and a sense of well-being; depth of character earned from years of informative blunders.
In the final analysis, mature dating means recognizing goodness, taking hold of it, and enjoying it more than ever. It means making the phone call; going for the kiss; picking up the tab (regardless of your gender). And if that opportunity doesn’t work out, we don’t worry ourselves sick over it. We know we’ll be okay, either way.
We value ourselves. We enjoy our own company. We have more than enough goodness to offer the world. And we don’t waste our pearls on pigs.
Farewell To Fooling Around
No more nightclubs for me. No more sex with people I don’t know. No more hanging out with young people who don’t read and travel. No more letting a lady walk past me without risking rejection. No more getting my feelings hurt when she doesn’t respond. And, most importantly, no more fear of going home alone.
Absolutely the best piece you have written to date.
Aw, shucks, ma’am. Ya git me all worked up. Momma warned me about city girls like you.
This should be required reading for everyone. A brilliant piece.
Thank you, Debra.
Love the Edith Piaf reference! Hey, what happened to the comments emoji?
I don’t know. The comments app I’m using has been a bit wonky. Sorry.