These Kids Today: Driver’s Ed

SRP Radio Podcast segment

A version of this piece was recorded for the

SRP Radio Podcast.

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Texting While Driving

Texting while driving

These kids today, with their fancy one-handed driving technique!

It used to be, hands on wheel at 10 and 2.

Now it’s left hand at 12, right hand texting.

I just watched a college-age girl, texting while driving an SUV, turn the corner at Clark and Fullerton and run her right headlight into a fire plug —


— not quite hard enough to set off the air bag, but hard enough to knock the phone out of her hand. Fortunately, she was wearing a seatbelt.

She remained in the car for a few seconds, a bit stunned, I think. Then she sheepishly got out of the vehicle, walked once around the car, more or less ignoring several people who were fussing over her to make sure she was okay.

She stood, contemplating the damage for a brief moment; then got back into the SUV, backed up and drove off (with only one light working, of course).

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