SRP Radio Podcast S1:E1 The God Interview
The God Interview On Evolution
On today’s show . . .
Okay Now For Evangelicals To Sound Intelligent
God reverses his position on Evolution.
One Middle-Age Man’s Almost-Deadly Journey Through the Great Recession
The first installment of our series, “Out Of Poverty”. What is poverty? How does one get out of poverty? And, more importantly, how does one get into it?
The Chaste Ewe
We hear from a talking sheep.
Eve’s Curse
We have a Bible update. That’s right, there’s been an update on the Bible, and we’ve got the scoop.
He Doesn’t Appreciate Me
We’ll finish off with some dating advice for women . . . from a man!
Cologne For Zombies
A word from our sponsor.
Sexual Ambiguity
A funny story.
Just out of curiosity, what did God wear to the interview?
Vera Wang.