How Empathy Works Between Men and Women

How do men and women ever understand each other when we’re so different? Some say we’re not so different, once you factor in empathy.

Weep With Them That Weep

[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]I[/su_dropcap] gotta get a few things off my chest. First off, I’m attracted to politically conservative women. What’s up with that? I’m a liberal.

Second, I’m a recovering fixaholic. By that I mean, when I was younger, I used to try to fix women.

You know how women talk about wanting to be listened to by their man? When they come to him with a problem, they don’t always want him to fix it, they just want him to listen.

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We derive our sense of meaning from our relationships with others.


From the man’s point of view, he’s thinking, well heck . . . what good does that do? Wouldn’t you feel better if I just fixed the problem?

Turns out, no! “No, I wouldn’t,” says the woman. “I just want you to hold me, to listen to me!”

Doesn’t make any sense, does it, guys? Well . . . over the years, I’ve come across more than a few women who can’t be bothered with MY problems. As a matter of fact, the older I get, the more I find that men . . . empathize with me. And women . . . don’t.

But then, why should they? What do women know about being a man? And why would they even want to know, if they’re fully engaged in being a woman?

Saint Paul said,

Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Romans 12:15

The problem with this, is that it requires effort. And who has the time, these days?

A few years ago, I courted a fine, Christian gal from Michigan. She asked me how I was doing, one day. And I gave the wrong answer.

I wasn’t doing well. I was deeply troubled, because I was going broke, and I didn’t know what to do about it. The economy, as you know, was horrible.

Jobs were drying up faster than California. I felt like I had been dropped in the middle of an ocean, in a fog, and I hadn’t a clue as to which way to swim.

Her response was that I needed to get right with God.

And suddenly, I had a vision of her standing before Jesus hanging on the cross. Would she say that to him?

No Time For Empathy

Part of the problem, of course, was that I was trying to seduce a woman while I was going broke. And what woman wants to sleep with a man who’s broke and depressed, unless she’s getting paid for it?

Besides, without money or a sense of humor, I had no currency.

But she was no whore, and I’m nobody’s trick. What she really meant was that she had no room in her soul for MY pain. She had all she could bear, with two kids and no husband.

Lord knows I don’t stop for every bum. And neither did He.

To paraphrase Mark 6:31, Jesus said, “Christ, won’t these people ever leave me alone!?”

I and Thou

Earlier I asked,

Why SHOULD women even try to empathize with men?

And by implication,

Why SHOULD men simply listen to their women . . . that is, feel their pain . . . without trying to fix their problems?

The German philosopher Martin Buber wrote a famous book called Ich und Du, which, loosely translated, means, Me and You.

Don’t bother reading it. Everything you need to know is in the title. Just think on it for a while.

Kinda like with, The Power Of Now. All you gotta do is think:  

There’s power . . . in focussing my mind . . . on the present moment.

And there you have it! Why bother reading the book?


Martin Buber, Jerusalem, 1948

Another in the avalanche of self-help books from the 80s —

You Don’t Have To Suffer

Oh, okay. Well, thank you. No need to read the book now!

Famous New Age book from the 90s:

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Really? Hm.

For the life of me, I don’t know why these guys take the time to write a book, and then give away everything in the title.

It would be like naming The 6th Sense, The Little Boy and His Imaginary Friend. Or like naming Titanic . . . well, Titanic!

But anyway . . . the basic idea in Me and You, or I and Thou, as it’s typically translated, is that we derive our sense of meaning from our relationships with others. Another way of putting it, is,

I need you; and you need me.

Men need women; and women need men. And I’m not talking about any of that Jerry McGuire sentimental claptrap. No, I mean that men and women are attracted to each other in part because we recognize ourselves in each other. And we leap at the opportunity to connect with the Me in You.

End Stink

Ever notice how, when dogs are being walked, they get excited when they see another dog? That other dog can be a block away, and immediately they both start pulling, hard . . . desperate to meet each other — to sniff each other, to bite each other, to play, to fight, to fuck.

And I’m not just talking about the humans, either!


Wait, wait . . . just one more sniff. Okay, NOW I’m complete.

But Wait, There’s More

Here’s some video of me doing this piece at an open mic in Logan Square. I don’t remember the name of the place. And frankly, I don’t want to remember it, because I got heckled; which you will see in the video.


Scratch ball end article

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4 Responses

  1. David Pendleton Syngen-Bottom says:

    Love the video! What happened?

    • Greg Silva says:

      Some old bag decided to correct my colloquial translation of “Ich und Du”. Interrupted me to do so. When I barked at her, she turned her head and refused to acknowledge me for the rest of the performance. Furthermore, it was my first time at that salon. And so everyone else was on her side. She was the queen bee. Who knew? Perhaps if I’d known she was in charge of the event, I might have responded more gently. No. I take that back. I have no patience for rudeness these days.

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