SRP Radio Podcast S1:E12 Adult Sons Of Crazy Mothers

Adult Sons Of Crazy Mothers

On today’s show . . .

Memo To Moms

Adult sons of crazy mothers! I know you’re out there. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Mother does not always know best. She isn’t always right. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t always the man’s fault.

We laugh at the caricature of the emasculating mother. Ha, ha. Oh, isn’t it funny . . . the needy, clinging, haranguing succubus . . . following the man-child around, ruining his life!? Ha, ha . . . so funny, right?

NO! Not if you’re 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old . . . and it’s YOUR mother! Well, guess what . . . sometimes the best thing you can do, when you’re in that situation . . . the only thing you can do . . . is to find the humor in it. And this we do here today, in a piece called Memo To Moms.

The Key Of Me

How important is music to you? Or rather, how is music important to you? In what ways? Does it get you laid? Does it bring you closer to God? Does it make you wanna conquer the world?

For me, it’s always been about making music. And I became aware of the urge to do so at a very early age. One of the best days of my life was when I learned my first song. And I sang that song, in The Key Of Me.

The Big Lie

On this week’s “Word Smatter”, we examine how George Orwell’s 1984 relates to the current Presidential campaign season.

Activist Judges

And, we’ll hear again from the SRP Translator, Dr. Bonmoe.

2 Responses

  1. Stacey Pointer says:

    These podcasts are really good, Greg. You should do more of them.

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