SRP Radio Podcast S1:E13 Broke Black Man Town

On today’s show . . .

Egos At Work and Play

Ego. Individual egos. Over 7 billion of them currently at work in the world. Egos . . . working, striving; for good, and bad. Big egos. Little egos. Strong egos. Weak egos. So, what does this mean? Today we start a series within a series. Over the next few segments of “Word Smatter” with Professor Jan Arnold, we’re going to be discussing what we mean by the word “ego”, how that meaning has changed over the years, and how the many egos that we encounter throughout the days of our lives affect the world at large.

City Life, Part 3

The journal entries in our third installment of “City Life” all pertain to a quest for meaning.

My Christmas, My Easter

Every day for me is Christmas and Easter. That’s what I say whenever I have to explain to people why I don’t make a big deal out of birthdays and holidays. People think I’m being a Scrooge, which is not the case. But I’ll share with you what is the case, in a piece called “My Christmas, My Easter”.


By Myron the Street Poet

Photo: “Broken”, painting by artist Willie McNeal.

4 Responses

  1. Basia says:

    My Christmas, my Easter, my favorite!

  2. Basia says:

    My Christmas, my Easter, my favorite!

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