Bartender Joke — What It Takes To Make It In the Service Industry
Two guys graduate from college with an arts degree; which, of course, renders them virtually unemployable. One turns to the other and says, “Now, what’ll we do?” The other says, “I know — bartending!”
So they go to a bar to apply for a job. The owner says, “Welcome, gents! The only qualifications for being a bartender are that you have brains and personality. And as with all job applications, the first step is for you to fill out this meaningless form.”
The form had only two questions:
1. “Do you have brains?”
Both of the guys checked the yes box.
2. “Do you have personality?”
Again, both guys checked the yes box.
The owner then said, “Okay, now for the fun part — we have to hook you up to this high-voltage service detector to make sure you have what it takes.” He attached the electrodes to the first applicant, and zapped the bejesus out of him. Zzzzt!
Though dazed, the young man heard the owner say, “Looks like you’ve got a wonderful personality. But you’ve got the brains of an imbecile. I’m sorry, we can’t hire you.”
Then he zapped the second guy. Zzzzt!
“Wow,” the owner exclaimed, “you are a man of superior intelligence! But you’ve got the personality of a third-world dictator . . . so we’re gonna make you a manager!”
You got that right! LMFAO