Adventures In Nekkidness: Potty Training
My first awareness of my own nekkidness occurred during my potty training. I distinctly remember my mother teaching me how to use toilet paper. And that was just the other day!
But seriously . . . I remember feeling vulnerable that my mother was watching me do my bidness — let’s say, somewhere around three years of age. Me, I mean. She was much older, and a little embarrassed by this process; and that made it even more embarrassing for me.
And my mother wasn’t the only adult getting in on this action. There were my babysitters, Shirley Rickman and her daughter, Kathy. They both seemed like adults to me. But Kathy recently found me on Facebook, and she’s only a decade or so older than I. So she must have been around 13 when she was monitoring my bowel movements. I should’ve been charging admission.
You remember all the way back that far?
Let’s just say, pooping in public has always made an impression on me.