Guns Don’t Kill People

People With Guns In America Kill People

guns dont kill people


Guns don’t kill people.

People kill people.


With guns.

Kill people.

People with guns kill people more than people without guns.

People with guns in America kill more people than they do in any other developed country. By a long shot! Get it? A long shot.

People with guns in America represent half of all civilian gun-owners in the world. And yet America as a whole represents less than 5% of the world’s population.

People with guns in America have committed more than 1600 mass shootings since Sandy Hook. That averages out to almost one a day. Which means, of course, that there is never a good time to talk about this.


To sum up.

Guns don’t kill people.

People with guns kill people.

Especially in America.

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1 Response

  1. Kissonia says:

    Guns DO kill people. People with guns kill people. You hit it straight griggy.

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