What Can I Do? LEARN
by Greg Silva · Published · Updated
Okay, now . . . so, you’re fed up with the way things are. You’re fed up with Trump’s tweets, tax cuts for the rich, education and healthcare for nobody BUT the rich, potholes in the streets, cell phone zombies on the sidewalks, rolling bottles and chicken bones on the floor of the CTA, innocent people gunned down day after day in the same two Chicago neighborhoods.
Whadaya Gonna Do About It?
That’s the question, right? People ask me this all the time. They see my Facebook posts, about this or that injustice, and they get riled up. “What can I do?” they ask. I tell them what I’m about to tell you now.
You CAN make a difference. It requires time and effort. It doesn’t require money. Just time and effort. And 90% of the people who express their frustrations to me DON’T do a thing. And I’m not even talking about a lot of time and effort. Just consistency. A little bit every day.
Reminds me of the many people over the years who, upon finding out that I’m a writer, say, “You’re a writer? Oh, have I got a story for you!” And I say, “Have you got any money?” And they say, “No, but you can write it and sell it to Hollywood, and I’ll give you a cut.” And I say, “Why don’t you write it?” And they say, “Because I’m not a writer.” And I say, “And I’m not your fairy godmother!”
But I’m getting off track here. What are YOU going to do about YOUR political frustrations? I’m already working on mine. And I’m content with my efforts. But if you truly wanna make a difference, here’s what you do. It’s essentially a two-part process: learn; then get involved.
Across the top of every page on this website, you’ll find the Resources tab in the navigation bar. Click on that and you’ll find all you need in order to become an asshole with a qualified opinion. It’s the qualification that makes all the difference.
They say to me, “You’re a writer? Oh, have I got a story for you!” And I say, “Why don’t YOU write it?” And they say, “Because I’m not a writer.” And I say, “And I’m not your fairy godmother!”
Let’s start with the books. And let’s start with a little context. I mean, a lotta context. Let’s go all the way back to Christopher Columbus — that scalawag, that cutthroat, that bringer of slavery and diseases. Remember all that stuff they taught us in school, about the discovery of America, and Manifest Destiny? Well, they only taught us the good stuff. And they left out a whole lotta bad stuff.
Remember that stuff about “all men are created equal,” and, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”? Well, there hasn’t been a time in American history when one group didn’t think they were better than another. There’s always one group putting down another. Claiming to be more American than the other. Claiming to be more Christian. More human. More deserving of opportunity. A level playing field doesn’t look level to them. It looks skewed in favor of the wretched refuse, the homeless, and the tempest-tossed.
Next, you can’t go wrong with a Robert Greene book. Read all of them! The one on power; the one on war; and the one on sex. How do I know that Robert Greene is one of us little people? Because he’s endorsed by rappers like 50 Cent, Kanye West, and Jay-Z; all of whom have known their share of poverty.
By the way, I’m the only person you should ever trust who uses the phrase “you can’t go wrong with . . . .” The last time someone used that phrase on me was at a Donald Trump real estate seminar in 2006, and it lead to the events that made ME one of the little people.
Lastly, check out Richard Hofstadter’s Paranoid Style In American Politics. The title implies something essential that most of us take for granted. And that is, we all choose our own reality. Some of us choose a reality rooted in facts. And some of us choose a reality based on beliefs.
And I’m assuming I’m talking to fact people here. I’m done trying to reason with belief people. There is no getting through to them! They will go so far as to say that they possess alternate facts; which is another way of saying that they would rather make shit up on the fly than admit that they’ve made an embarrassing choice about the way they view the world.
Some people are born and bred in paranoia. And I’m talking mainly here of the religious right. Jesus is coming soon. The world is coming to an end. The antichrist is among us. The United Nations is the beast.
The worst part of being raised in this cult, by far — lemme tell you from experience — is the threat of hell. “Do what we say, and think as we tell you, or you’re going to hell!” Very few people possess the courage to break away from this madness.
Coming Attractions
There are some great websites listed in our Resources section. In Part 2 of What Can I Do?, I’ll tell you more about the must-sees, the must-reads, and the must-dos.
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