What Is Blasphemy?
by Greg Silva · Published · Updated
What is blasphemy? Who gets to decide? What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? And what exactly is His name?
I’m pretty sure if I met God in an alley, he could take me. He doesn’t need anybody’s help. And if he were mad at me, he’d probably just say, “Hey, I gotta beef with you!”, rather than kill me. And then I’d say, “Fuck you!” And then he’d kill me.
Okay, so . . . if you’re a normal religious person, you probably found what I just said blasphemous. Or at least a little disconcerting.
But, ya see . . . I know God. He and I get along just fine. He’s not offended by my jokes, or by my criticisms of the church. In fact, He’s my biggest fan. He likes me. Sometimes I’m not sure why. Because half the time I don’t like myself. But He accepts me. In fact, He made me this way. That is, I was born to challenge the status quo. It’s part of my calling. My God-given purpose. You might say I’m a minister. Well . . . YOU might not say I’m a minister, if you’re the sort that feels compelled to defend God against clowns like me. But I am a minister. I AM!
Holy shit, there I go again, being blasphemous! I can’t seem to help it. You see, saying “I am” is blasphemous to Christians and Jews. It’s the same as saying “I am God”. But hold on — before the stones start flying — I can assure you that I’m not (nor have I ever been) God; despite what my girlfriend screams when we’re making love.
Ya know what? I’m sorry. That last remark made ME uncomfortable. I don’t have a girlfriend.
What I’m saying is, if God’s not offended by my coarse remarks, what’s the problem? The problem, of course, is people. Sick, sad, stupid people. People who don’t know God at all. Because if they did know God, they would understand the difference between a symbol and the concept it represents. The symbol is not the concept. The concept is not the symbol.
Symbol, allow me to introduce you to Concept; Concept, this is Symbol.
Symbol: “How do you do?”
Concept: “I don’t do anything in any way. I just am.”
Symbol: “Oh. Well, how are you.”
Concept: “I’m fine. And how are you?”
Symbol: “Intrinsically meaningless. I am as I do.”
And there you have it, in a nut’s hell. The symbols we use to enrich our religious practice ARE NOT the Thing we worship. Furthermore, the Thing we worship is not even a thing. It’s the opposite of a thing. It’s a non-thing. Literally, no-thing. Nothing.
God is nothing. I have no problem with that statement. But you may find it offensive. Blasphemous, even.
I have no trouble with the ineffability of God. But a lot of his so-called followers do. They equate the word “God” with God. They think He (She or It) has got an actual English language name; like “God”, or “Lord”, or “Heavenly Father”.
Jesus got it right when he declared, “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
When Moses saw the burning bush, and God told him to go talk to their people in Egypt, Moses asked, “Who shall I say sent me?” And God replied, “Tell them I AM sent you.” So God is a being, in the literal sense of the word. A nameless being. I say “nameless” because I think God gave Moses words that might point our finite minds in the direction of the ineffable.
There’s that word again: ineffable. According to the Oxford Dictionary, it means: “Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.” So, if God is beyond words, why bother with a name? What’s all the fuss about taking his name in vain? What name?
I can assure you that when I hit my thumb with a hammer and scream, “JESUS CHRIST!”, I’m not using those words in vain. I mean them emphatically! Because at that moment, I sincerely need his help.
So, there you have it. When Moses and Mohammed set the pattern for us to murder people who step on our sacred notions, angels wept; because the angels knew that for all time hence, psychopaths would use blasphemy as an excuse to act out their dark compulsions. Jesus got it right when he declared, “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
And so now I say woe unto them that commit murder in God’s name. Woe unto ISIS and all Muslim Extremists. Woe unto the Christian Crusaders and Inquisitors and Salem witch hunters of old. And woe unto Moses and Mohammed.
And if you think what I just said is blasphemous, then woe unto you too!
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I am aware that there may be a religious psychopath out there who hears this and goes, “That’s my cue! Let’s go get Greg.” Probably be a Muslim. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it were an Evangelical or a Jew.
At any rate, if that’s you, and you’re reading this right now, just be aware that I’m gonna lay a curse on you that’s gonna haunt you forever. For the rest of your earthly life, you’ll be known as the dummass who proved my point.
Then for all eternity you’ll be attended by 72 virgins. Only it won’t be pleasant. They’ll all be real-life virgins; who know little about themselves, much less about men. Who rarely want sex. Who spend all their time on the phone. Who pout and pop their gum and twirl their hair and talk through their noses about who’s hot and who’s not. And who start and end every sentence with OMG.
And that’s it. That’s ALL they talk about. That’s ALL they do. In fact, they never STOP talking.
They never take off their clothes. They never touch you. And every time you look at them, they bellow, “Ooo, creepy guy, creepy guy!”
You’ll be denigrated for all eternity as the guy who blasphemously assumed that God NEEDED his help.
You’re going to hell, my friend.
I’ve already been. Took a bus tour with a bunch o’ drunks. Bus broke down. Got stuck. There is no AAA down there. But fortunately, there is AA.