Country Chorus: Same Reckless Behavior

Generation To Generation

[su_panel background=”#0c0b0b” color=”#f6f6f6″ border=”10px solid #cccccc” shadow=”10px 1px 2px #eeeeee” radius=”3″ text_align=”center”]Not long ago, a middle-aged friend of mine lamented about her wild teenage daughter; which inspired this shitty ditty.[/su_panel]

country-singer-cartoon same reckless behavior

Honey, our kids and their friends are all drinkin’ and screwin’

Like their maw and their paw and their friends all used to be doin’

Our son thinks that rules were invented by fools, and our sweet daughter’s ways have gone wild

We’ll forward his mail to the Hogg County jail, and soon we’ll be raising her child

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