SRP Radio Podcast S1:E15 The Bad Boy Meter

The Bad Boy Meter

On Today’s Show . . .

The Ted Cruz Quote Compost

When Super PACs run TV ads making their political opponents look like the spawn of Satan, we call that a hit piece. But this sort of disparagement goes on all the time in our everyday lives, albeit on a mundane level. Watercooler gossip. What the Bible calls “bearing false witness”.

Casual whoppers and taradiddles can do a lot of harm to good people. Especially online. Over the course of the next four episodes, we’ll examine this nasty trend that we call Yellow Stream Media.

maslow's hierarchy bad boy

Ego Needs

We’ll discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, and how this popular theory figures into our work and sex lives, with Jan the Man in our next installment of Word Smatter.

It’s Okay For Women To Like Bad Boys

And more Advice To Women . . . from a man! In this case — how to tell a good bad-boy from a bad bad-boy with something we call The Bad Boy Meter.

4 Responses

  1. basiakowalik says:

    Great podcast. Could have listened for an hour.

  2. basiakowalik says:

    Great podcast. Could have listened for an hour.

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