SRP Radio Podcast S1:E16 Yellow Stream Media
On today’s show . . .
Beyond Yellow Journalism
Part 2 in our Hit Piece series. Last week, we touched on political hit pieces on a grand scale. But what about the hit pieces that you and I endure on a daily basis?
- Watercooler gossip
- Embarrassing photos posted by rejected lovers
- Bad reviews on Yelp
How do ya cap these gushers? And what in the world is wrong with people!?
Ego Needs At Work and Play
We continue drilling into the concept of ego, and how it affects our work and our relationships, with Jan the Man on “Word Smatter”.
Take Charge Of Your Environment
More dating advice for men. How to meet women in loud, crowded rooms where there’s lots of competition. In other words, nightclubs.
The God In Whose Image I was Created
Another mysterious poem by Loud Myron.
As always, I was thrilled to see a new SRP podcast posted!
Thanks, Mom.
As always, I was thrilled to see a new SRP podcast posted!
Thanks, Mom.